House MD | A Netflix’s Marathon

In the past month or so I discovered House MD on netflix’s, it was quite the revelation for me. I seriously didn’t expect to enjoy the show, but I had nothing else to watch and figured I may as well give it a try.

I quickly became consumed by the show and powered through every season. The main character is british actor Hugh Laurie, widely known for the TV show Black Adder or as my sister said (after suggesting the show to her) “the really annoying dad in Stuart Little”. House (Hugh Laurie) is absolutely incredible at being reckless and bold. (If you’re looking for a series to watch I highly recommend!)

As I reached the final season (which was a bit of a let down) I found inspiration to work on a small pen sketch of Hugh. I must say that I can already see my progress with practicing regularly !

Photo on 15-12-2014 at 23.05 Photo on 15-12-2014 at 23.06 #2


Keep up to date with my latest drawings on my instagram account !

